Therapeutic Massage


The massage therapist will manipulate the body’s soft tissue to stimulate circulation and promote relaxation. This massage is specifically geared to dissolve knots in the tissue and fascia as well as to break up any scar tissue present in the area being treated.

The therapist will work on reflex points on your feet, hands, and ears that relate to specific glands in the body. Reflexology benefits include relaxation and improved lymphatic drainage and blood circulation…

Any physical sport practiced by an athlete often leads to discomfort and damage to the muscle tissue. Dancers may experience leg cramping, while pitchers may experience shoulder or wrist pain. Massage therapist will…

MYO’ is the shortened word for muscular tissue. ‘FASCIA ’ is a three-dimensional web of connective tissue that goes from the very superficial layers of muscular tissue to the very deep layers…

This can be a pre or post-natal massage. In the months before delivery, an expecting mother may experience discomfort in many areas of the body. The massage therapist will work…

This procedure helps deliver cellular wastes out of the body. Massage begins with gentle, rhythmic pressure, extremely light soft finger strokes, and stretching of the skin to open up lymph nodes…