Neuromuscular Therapy
Neuromuscular Therapy
Neuromuscular massage therapy (NMT) is also known as trigger point myotherapy is a highly effective method of treating lower back pain. This lower back pain is often caused by some sort of trauma to the soft tissue, which results in discomfort and muscular spasms. Muscle spasms result in a lack of oxygen and blood flow to the area, which in turn causes lactic acid to build up.
In neuromuscular massage therapy, the massage therapist uses their knuckles or elbow in order to apply direct pressure on the areas of the muscle where these spasms occur. The massage therapist applies the pressure for a period of no less than ten seconds. This process releases the lactic acid which has built up in the client’s system, and relaxes the muscle spasm, allowing for restored blood flow to the area.
Experiencing a muscle spasm is by definition very uncomfortable. Neuromuscular massage therapy involves applying direct pressure to an area that is already quite tender, therefore the process can be somewhat painful to undergo. However, once the muscle spasm has been released, the resulting lactic acid can cause soreness and minor discomfort. Generally speaking, any remaining soreness should fade away completely within a day or so of receiving the treatment.
Neuromuscular massage therapy is unfortunately not a permanent treatment. For those who are prone to experiencing muscular spasms, the results may last anywhere from five to fifteen days before tension begins to build. Most massage therapists recommend a regimen of four NMT treatment sessions over a six week period to experience maximum results.
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