Swedish Massage Therapy
Swedish Massage Therapy
When people visualize massage therapy, a Swedish massage is most likely what comes to mind, as this is the most common form of Western massage.
A Swedish massage is specifically geared to provide relaxation to the entire body rather than targeting one specific area. Swedish massage is characterized by a technique that utilizes long, drawn out strokes which are meant to not only aid in relaxation but also to increase blood circulation as well as elevating the level of oxygen in the blood. There are five kinds of stroke incorporated into a Swedish massage. These include gliding, kneading, tapping, fiction and vibration.
Swedish massage therapy sessions typically last anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half in duration. The massage therapist works upon the entire body, applying pressure that can vary from moderate to considerable. Typically, the massage therapist utilizes their palms as well as fingertips to first concentrate on the back before moving onto each individual leg and in some cases, the buttocks. The client is then requested to flip over onto their backs, where the massage therapist is able to work on the front of each leg as well as the arms, neck and shoulder region.
Patients who regularly engage in Swedish massage therapy can expect to not only achieve a greater feeling of relaxation, they will also experience a decrease in muscle tension and improved circulation to the entire body. While many people only seek out a massage when they are experiencing some sort of discomfort, regular participation in Swedish massage therapy can help guard against muscular stiffness and the formation of knots and pinched nerves.
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Swedish Massage, Weston FL