Massage Therapy
Weston FL Massage Therapy
Many times, people are only aware of the negative effects that stress and anxiety have upon a person’s mental state. They do not take into account how external stressors can cause harm to the physical body as well. While stress can cause a number of health problems, from high blood pressure to ulcers and digestive upset, one of the most common way that stress manifests in the body is through tension in the muscles and soft tissue regions. This tension can lead to knots, discomfort, tightness and a compromised range of motion.
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Massage Therapy Benefits
The vast majority of people carry their tension in the back, neck and shoulders. One of the most effective ways to relieve this tension is through regular participation in back, neck and shoulder massage therapy. It is not only stress that causes pinched nerves, knots and tension in this area. Many everyday activities, from carrying heavy purses or shoulder bags to sleeping in an awkward position to repetitive lifting can result in muscular discomfort. A back, neck and shoulder massage is ideal for individual who are on the go, as it provides a great deal of relief while not requiring the same amount of time needed for a full body massage. Many airports, shopping centers and even some business centers have on the go massage stations available which specifically concentrate on the neck, back and shoulder region.
The massage therapist concentrates on these areas by applying moderate pressure to areas where knots are detected. The entire process typically takes less than thirty minutes, and provides a feeling of rejuvenation and relaxation. As is the case with any form of massage therapy, it is very important to have open communication between the massage therapist and client to be sure to that the treatment is beneficial and relaxing rather than uncomfortable or even painful.